Parish Marketing

  • Most parishes could do a better job at “marketing” all of the good works that happen at their parish.
  • The parish staff and lay leaders are usually aware of the different parish ministries and their activities. However, the average parishioner isn’t aware of everything happening at the parish and all the people your parish touches through your ministries.
  • Look at your parish calendar and summarize the parish activity and ministry results for the prior month and thank your parishioners publicly and privately for their generosity of prayer, participation and financial support at least once a month.
  • Here’s an example – “Thank you for your continued generosity of prayer, ministry participation, and financial support. Last month 1,000 people celebrated Mass on Sunday and 400 people celebrated Mass during the week. We had over 800 people visit our parish with soccer games we hosted on our fields, 245 children attended school every day and 125 children attended PSR each week. 22 families were provided food and 13 families were provided rent and utility assistance. Each month over 500 parishioners participate in our 37 active parish ministries. Additionally, 27 youth and 5 adults participated in the Pro-Life Rally in Washington DC. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gifts. Your active engagement keeps our parish truly Alive in Christ!”
  • Each week, many parishes show a recap of the previous week’s offertory in their bulletin. Be sure to include the number of families that give through the parish electronic offertory system and the corresponding dollar amount. Also, use this opportunity to thank the parish for their financial support and list some ways the money was used to “advance the mission of the parish” (do not list bills that were paid).
  • Electronic Offertory – promote monthly and encourage parishioners to use. Develop a Benefits and Sign-Up Guide for frequently asked questions. An example is on page 95 (i.e. On-Line Giving Benefits), as well as, supplier information (Please see pages 67 & 68) (University of Notre Dame Study– parishioners that use are 2 X more generous).
  • “Word of Mouth” advertising is still the most effective. The more people you can get talking positively about your parish and personally recommending it, the better impact it will have regarding your parish faith life, ministry participation, and financial support.