
Programs & Resources

Covenant Eyes: Protecting Your Family Online - “I have made a covenant with my eyes…” (Job 31:1). Covenant Eyes is an internet accountability and filtering service. It equips people and families with tools to escape pornography and form positive habits online in order to create healthy families and a culture of accountability in our churches. To protect families and individuals from the temptations on the web, Covenant Eyes offers a software program for personal computers for filtering information. Every family member receives a login and password, and parents receive a weekly list of all sites which have been searched. In addition to software filtering, Covenant Eyes offers a Parent Workshop for how to manage the family’s internet use in a healthy and virtuous environment. For more information or to purchase Covenant Eyes Software, call 877.479.1119 (toll free), email [email protected], or visit

RECLAiM: God's Plan for Sexual Health - Offers an anonymous, science-based, Catholic Online Recovery Program, and provides resources for those who desire to reclaim God's plan for their lives, and the lives of loved ones impacted by pornography or other unhealthy sexual behaviors.


Books & Audio

Breaking Free: 12 Steps to Sexual Purity for Men - Steve Wood
This booklet offers practical assistance, not only to overcome, but also to prevent an addiction to pornography (This is also available on ebook, MP3, and CD).

Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against Men - Jeff Cavins
Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity.

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned from Porn to Purity - Matt Fradd
Deliverance from pornography is possible and these true stories prove it.  

Detox - Jason Evert
Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. In this presentation, Jason Evert discusses the strategies necessary to win the war and uproot the vice of pornography once and for all.

The Pornography Plague and the Path to Christian Purity - Jeff Cavins
Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity.

Pure of Heart: Breaking Free from Porn  (CD) - Jason Evert
With Pure of Heart in your corner, you'll finally have the tools, the guidance, and the motivation you need to break free of an addiction to pornography for good.

Taking Down Goliath: Five Strategies to Get Porn Out of Your Life (CD) - Matt Fradd
In his powerful CD, Taking Down Goliath, Apologist and Speaker, Matt Fradd uses his infectious and engaging speaking style to help you with five strategies to get porn out of your life. 

The Ugly Truth: Two Former Insiders Expose the Reality Behind the Porn Industry (CDs) - Matt Fradd
The Ugly Truth is an edifying listening: a sobering answer to porn’s lies and a powerful exhortation to pray for the many men and women caught within its snare.

Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity - Christopher West
In this CD, Christopher West addresses the struggles in the area of sexual purity and lust that many, if not most, men face.