St. Margaret of Scotland (St. Louis)

St. Margaret of Scotland church is a diverse, urban, Catholic parish. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and the example of our patroness, we are called to be a vibrant voice and beacon of the Catholic faith in our neighborhoods. We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action by praying and celebrating as a Eucharistic community, educating children and adults to live a full Christian life in today’s world, serving others with unconditional generosity, and living just lives and working for a more just society.


  • Reverend John VienPastor
  • Reverend Patrick BaikauskasSenior Associate Pastor

(314) 776-0363
(314) 776-0364
Visit Website

3854 Flad Ave.
St. Louis, 63110

  • Sunday
    8:00 am 
  • Saturday (Vigil)
    4:30 pm 
  • Monday
    6:30 am 
  • Tuesday
    6:30 am 
  • Wednesday
    6:30 am 
  • Thursday
    6:30 am 
  • Friday
    6:30 am