Annunciation (Webster Groves)

OUR MISSION, as the prayerful community of Annunciation, is to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ by living and sharing our Catholic faith.


  • Reverend Michael EssweinPastor
  • Reverend Paul NiemannSenior Associate Pastor

(314) 962-5955
(314) 961-0643
Visit Website

12 W. Glendale Rd.
Webster Groves, 63119

  • Sunday
    10:00 am 
    8:00 am 
  • Saturday (Vigil)
    5:00 pm 
  • Monday
    8:30 am 
  • Holy Days
    8:30 am 
    7:00 pm 
  • Tuesday
    8:30 am 
  • Wednesday
    8:30 am 
  • Thursday
    8:30 am