Since 1973, the Respect Life Apostolate (RLA) of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the first diocesan office established in the U.S. devoted to the pro-life cause, cherishes preborn life, walks with pregnant and parenting mothers, and helps those wounded by abortion to heal. The RLA accomplishes this through spiritual, pastoral (direct care), educational, and public advocacy efforts. The apostolate lives out the Catholic Church’s teachings on respect for and legal protection of every human life from conception through natural death, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable.
The RLA promotes our mission of life among the over 400,000 Catholics, 135 parishes, 93 elementary schools, and 24 high schools which comprise the Archdiocese.
Missouri Amendment 3
On June 24, 2022, with the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision, our state became the first in the nation to restore the legal protections that currently safeguard all Missourians from the harm of abortion.
On May 3, 2024, abortion supporters turned in signatures in an attempt to remove these safeguards and insert abortion into the Missouri Constitution. The signatures were verified on August 13 by the Secretary of State placing the deceptive and extreme abortion Amendment 3 on the November ballot.
Please join us in focusing on prayer, accompanying pregnant/parenting mothers and their children, helping those wounded by abortion to heal, educating on the harm of Amendment 3 and public engagement.
The Respect Life Apostolate was founded by John Cardinal Carberry in 1973 within weeks of the tragic Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions which legalized abortions throughout the United States. Cardinal Carberry opened the first diocesan office in the nation dedicated to protecting and advocating for the preborn child and helping pregnant mothers. Known as the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Committee, the ministry became the blueprint for similar ones in dioceses through the nation, as well as the national pro-life pastoral plan and vision of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
On March 25, 2023, the Respect Life Apostolate celebrated 50 years of service to the Archdiocese of St. Louis in promoting the Gospel of Life.
Our Focus Areas
Jointly developed by the archdiocesan Office of Worship and the RLA, this rite is designed to meet the needs of parents whose child(ren) died prior to birth because of miscarriage, accident, or abortion.
- The ritual emphasizes the Church’s respect for the sacredness of all human life from the moment of conception – regardless of a child’s age or stage of development, acknowledging that all life, even the lives of those who are never born, impacts families and individuals. The prayer rite also helps bring peaceful closure after a great loss, helping families and friends place the infant’s death in the context of faith and to unite them to the merciful love of God.
- The next Naming & Commendation Rites are:
- September 15 after the noon Mass at Immaculate Conception in Dardenne. Click here to learn more. Click here to learn more.
- Sunday, November 3 at 2 p.m. at St. Monica Church (Creve Coeur)
- The local resources inside the Walking with Moms brochure offer a variety of resources for pregnant and parenting moms and their children. The services listed may be onsite or referral, but each agency will do everything possible to help you with your best option.
- Even if you are in an abortion facility right now, you can still leave, even if you have already paid. No matter your situation, we want to help!
The Abortion Healing Ministry of the Archdiocese of St. Louis offers a wide network of support for those wounded by abortion. Project Rachel (for women), Project Joseph (for men), and the Catholic Renewal Center (for women, men and couples) provide healing and hope. No matter what your experience was or how long it has been since the abortion, hope, healing, and forgiveness are available.
Adoption is a life-giving option and the Respect Life Apostolate is blessed to partner with two other archdiocesan agencies to raise awareness about adoption opportunities available in our area. Contact us to learn more!
The RLA and Good Shepherd Children & Family Services unite in several initiatives each year to help this agency fulfill its mission: “in response to the call of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, to help those in need, we connect children with families and keep families connected.”
Since 2009, the Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Adoption Fund has helped 50 families adopt children with over $250,000 in grant funds. this grant, offered through the Archdiocesan Office of Natural Family Planning, is available to couples who want to build their family through this loving choice. for more information about the grant, contact the office of natural family planning at 314-997-7576 or click the link above.
Every October during Respect Life Month, the Archdiocese of St. Louis community gathers in prayer to witness to the dignity of human life at the Annual Celebration of Life Mass and Rosary. Join Catholics and other pro-life advocates to thank God for ending abortion in Missouri in 2022, honor those lost to abortion, pray for those wounded by abortion in need of healing, and commit to build a Culture of Life & Love.
The Mass, celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, is followed by the Holy Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, and a reception.
The 2024 Celebration of Life Mass will be held on Saturday, October 20 at 10 a.m. Check back soon for details!
Each month since January 2000, the Archdiocese of St. Louis has held a pro-life Mass & Rosary on the third Saturday established in St. Louis in January 2000, is a peaceful, prayerful life-saving ministry that meets on the third Saturday of every month.
The prayer vigil, held either at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis or a host parish in each Vicariate throughout the Archdiocese, begins with Saturday morning Mass followed by the Holy Rosary. The four-fold prayer of each Mass and Rosary is for upholding the dignity of preborn children; for moms, couples, and families facing unplanned pregnancy; for those caught up in the abortion industry; and for those wounded by abortion to receive healing. If your parish would like to host one of our prayer events in 2024 or 2025, please call 314.792.7598.
November is National Adoption Month. Every year, the RLA joins with Good Shepherd Children and Family Services and the Office of Natural Family Planning to coordinate a celebration for those who have been involved in any way with adoption, a gift twice given.
In the United States, about 120,000 adoptions occur each year. Many people, directly and indirectly, are affected by adoption:
- Women seeking options for unplanned or crisis pregnancies
- People and couples seeking children to complete their families
- Foster families and agencies involved in the placement and protection of children
- Children who have been adopted
The Annual Adoption Mass is celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis each November on the third Sunday.
- Initiated in 1991, this simple yet effective program provides an opportunity for children, teens, adults and senior citizens to prayerfully intercede on behalf of moms and unborn babies threatened by abortion. Participants spiritually adopt a baby known by God to be at risk of abortion by pledging to pray the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen prayer daily for nine months.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to protect the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted. Mary, our Mother in Heaven, pray for us, and especially for your little ones! Because God loves every baby He creates, I promise to pray for my spiritually adopted baby for nine months.”
The goal of the program is three-fold: - Encourage prayers for babies in danger of abortion and for their parents.
- Educate adults and children about the development of babies in the womb.
- Provide material assistance to mothers in need through a “baby shower” or “birthday party” at the conclusion of the program.
- Schools and Parish School of Religion programs can promote Spiritual Adoption for the nine months of the school year, September through May. It works well for a parish to participate along with the school. Another option is to offer the program from the Feast of the Annunciation through Christmas. At the end of the nine months of prayer, schools and/or parishes can hold a baby shower to gather new or gently used items for agencies that provide a home or support for mothers with a crisis pregnancy.
- Spiritual adoption prayer cards, Milestones brochure, and leadership pamphlet are available free of charge through the RLA Office. To order these resources, contact or 314-792-7555.
The Parish Respect Life Committee Network, led by a respect life coordinator at each church, is a vital part of the Apostolate’s success in serving the community. Not only does the network provide resources to their parishes on life issues, they also actively evangelize their fellow parishioners and support their pastors and priests in making life issues visible at the parish level.
The RLA offers a summer internship to incoming college and graduate students. Interns engage in program and event planning; learning how to strategically accompany and help pregnant and parenting mothers; engaging in peaceful, public witness on behalf of life; marketing, social media and website efforts; conducting timely and topical pro-life research; and assisting with general office operations. Additionally, interns gain professional experience in an Archdiocesan agency setting and networking with Catholic and pro-life leaders.
The Respect Life Apostolate has a variety of prayer and educational resources available to support your existing middle school, high school, or college pro-life club, and are available for consultation and resources on getting a new one started, including in collaboration with their Catholic and pro-life ministry partners. Contact or 314.792.7555 for more information.
Inspire the teens and young adults of your parish and school to proclaim the Gospel of Life! The Respect Life Teen Track includes two dynamic video presentations, discussion questions, and youth night activities. Together we can claim the culture for LIFE! These free resources are linked below.
An important component of the Respect Life Apostolate’s mission is its public policy and advocacy initiatives in close cooperation with the Missouri Catholic Conference (MCC) and U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The Apostolate’s effort to improve our advocacy and laws for the most vulnerable is a concrete way to publicly affirm the Church’s unwavering commitment to protect every human life from conception through natural death.
Through its Parish Respect Life Coordinator Network, the RLA keeps the faithful and parishes of the Archdiocese of St. Louis well-informed about pertinent legislation and advocacy related to respect for human life and dignity according to Catholic social teaching. Recent examples at the local, state, and federal levels in include the June 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision and the current efforts to spread awareness about the dangers of Amendment 3.
Get Involved
Life Chain
Pro-Life Prayer Campaigns
National Night of Prayer for Life
USCCB Prayer and Action Alerts
Catholic Pro-Life Prayer Resources
Archdiocesan Prayer to Defeat Amendment 3
40 Days for Life
MCC Public Policy Updates
MCC Resources on Missouri Amendment 3
Archdiocesan Resources on the Missouri Amendment 3
March on the Arch (St. Louis)
Midwest March for Life (Jefferson City)
Show Me Life Lobby Day (Jefferson City)
March for Life (Washington, DC)
Contact Us
Do you have additional questions or need guidance?
Associate Director
Abortion Healing Ministry