What is #iGiveCatholic?
iGiveCatholic on GivingTuesday is a giving day that provides participating Catholic parishes, schools, and ministries from across the country the opportunity to connect with current donors
and establish relationships with new supporters. It is also an opportunity for Catholics to affirm our faith as disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing our gifts out of gratitude and love for one another.
The goal of #iGiveCatholic is to inspire the Catholic community to come together as faithful stewards and to “Give Back and Give Catholic” on GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to generosity and kindness that occurs annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
In 2021, our inaugural year, our total raised was $203,278. Our total increased to $362,000 in
2022! And last year, 65 ministries raised $883,915!
Questions? If you have any questions about #iGiveCatholic in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, please contact our archdiocesan team at igivecatholic@archstl.org.