Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

A combination of circumstances contributed to the first establishment of the Sisters of St. Joseph in America.  Through her work with the Propagation of the Faith, Felicite’ Duras, a Countess, was greatly moved by a letter from Bishop Rosati, the first Bishop of St. Louis, asking for sisters who would undertake instruction of deaf-mutes.  She offered to defray the expense of establishing a community of Sisters of St. Joseph in this diocese of St. Louis.  She had a great love and admiration for Mother St. John Fontbonne and asked her to send the sisters to America. 


  • Ms. Patricia KollerExecutive Assistant
  • Ms. Vocation TeamCommunications/PR Contact
  • Sister Maureen FreemanProvince Leadership Team
  • Ms. Colleen KellyDirector, Communications
  • Sister Maureen FreemanProvince Leadership Team