Daughters of St. Paul

“You must be Saint Paul living today.” These words from Blessed James Alberione, founder of the Daughters of St. Paul, capture the life and mission of the sisters to “live and give Christ” to the people of today.

Living a profoundly Eucharistic spirituality and immersed in the culture of communication, the Daughters of St. Paul use media—print, visual, digital, music, and more—so that every person may encounter Christ, be transformed by His love, and in turn bring Christ’s love, peace, and justice to the world. The Daughters have been present in Saint Louis since 1973 and have operated Pauline Books & Media in Crestwood since 1989, where they offer Catholic resources from their publishing house (Pauline Books & Media Publishing) and host faith formation and prayer opportunities. Saint Louis is also the home of the Daughters of St. Paul postulancy, where young women beginning their life as Daughters of St. Paul start the initial formation process.  


  • Sister Joan Paula ArrudaPauline Books & Media Manager, and Superior