St. Richard (Creve Coeur)

We, as members of St. Richard Catholic Church, are a community of believers growing together in faith and our desire to serve God, our Church and each other. Our community strives to love one another through service, prayer, example, and support. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we will provide the opportunity for everyone to utilize their gifts and talents to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and one another.


  • Reverend Sebastian MundackalParochial Administrator
  • Reverend Eugene RobertsonIn Residence
  • Deacon John BischofPermanent Deacon
  • Deacon John BischofPermanent Deacon

(314) 432-6224
(314) 432-6030

Visit Website

11223 Schuetz Rd.
St. Louis, 63146

  • Sunday
    9:00 am  St. Richard Church
  • Saturday
    5:30 pm  St. Richard Church
  • Holy Days (Vigil)
    7:00 pm  St. Richard Church
  • Tuesday
    8:15 am  St. Richard Church
  • Christmas
    9:00 am  St. Richard Church
  • Christmas Eve
    4:30 pm  St. Richard Church
  • Thursday
    8:15 am  St. Richard Church