St. Mary Magdalen (Brentwood)

St. Mary Magdalen is a community of Catholics in the Archdiocese of St. Louis endeavoring to live out the Joy of the Gospel, and to bring others closer to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, through our commitment to being missionary disciples who know and live the Faith.


  • Reverend Christopher RubieParochial Administrator
  • Reverend Monsignor William McCumberSenior Associate Pastor
  • Deacon Gregory BialisPermanent Deacon
  • Deacon Daniel FitzgeraldPermanent Deacon
  • Deacon William PreissPermanent Deacon

(314) 961-8400
(314) 961-7019
Visit Website

2618 Brentwood Blvd.
St. Louis, 63144

  • Sunday
    7:30 am 
    9:30 am 
    11:30 am 
  • Saturday (Vigil)
    4:30 pm 
  • Monday
    5:30 pm 
    12:00 pm 
  • Holy Days
    9:00 am 
    12:00 am 
    5:30 pm 
    12:00 pm 
    8:00 am 
  • Holy Days (Vigil)
    5:30 pm 
  • Tuesday
    5:30 pm 
    12:00 pm 
  • Christmas
    12:00 am 
    7:30 am 
    9:30 am 
  • Christmas Eve
    4:30 pm 
  • Easter
    7:30 am 
    9:30 am 
    11:30 am 
  • Good Friday
    2:30 pm 
  • Holy Saturday
    7:30 pm 
  • Wednesday
    5:30 pm 
    12:00 pm 
  • Thursday
    5:30 pm 
    12:00 pm 
  • Friday
    12:00 pm 
    8:00 am