St. Gerard Majella (Kirkwood)

As a Catholic parish family, guided by the Holy Trinity and the compassion of St. Gerard Majella, we evangelize the Faith through the Sacraments, prayer and adoration, formation and education and serving others by sharing our gifts.


  • Reverend Michael GroschPastor
  • Reverend John SeperSenior Associate Pastor
  • Deacon Donald Denham Senior Deacon
  • Deacon Paul ArthurPermanent Deacon
  • Deacon Mark MarkowskiPermanent Deacon

(314) 965-3985

Visit Website

1969 Dougherty Ferry Rd.
St. Louis, 63122

  • Sunday
    11:00 am 
    9:00 am 
    7:00 am 
  • Saturday
    9:00 am 
  • Saturday (Vigil)
    5:00 pm 
  • Monday
    8:00 am 
    6:30 am 
  • Holy Days
    6:30 am 
    8:00 am 
    7:00 pm 
    10:00 am 
  • Tuesday
    8:00 am 
    6:30 am 
  • Wednesday
    8:00 am 
    6:30 am 
  • Thursday
    8:00 am 
    6:30 am 
  • Friday
    6:30 am 
    8:00 am