Faith Into Action

St. Roch Waterman Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, United States

The Northern Vicariate of the Archdiocese of St. Louis invites you to come pray together and explore ways you can respond to the missionary call to serve. Both sessions begin with prayer, song, and reflection in St. Roch Church followed by an opportunity to explore ways of living out the Works of Mercy in our…

Young Adult People of Color Ministry – Sankofa Circle

Congregation of the Mission Vincentians Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis, MO, United States

The Young Adult People of Color Ministry invites people to come together, share a meal and fellowship while examining their faith and their freedom. If you are interested in a Christ-centered, authentic, current, relevant space to belong, join us. This event takes place on the third Wednesday of the month from September through May.  Learn…

Advent Day of Recollection with Religious Sisters

St. Gerard Majella Catholic Church Dougherty Ferry Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States

This event is for any high school girl who is looking for intentional prayer time with Jesus. The afternoon will include two reflections from religious sisters, a time of adoration and Confessions, and a chance to speak and pray with religious sisters.

The Importance of Sacred Art and Music in the Liturgy

Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri, United States

All parish priests, music directors, liturgists, parish cantors, choir members and instrumentalists are invited to the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis on the Feast of St. Cecilia, Friday, November 22, 9–3:30pm, for a day of learning and reflection on the importance of sacred art and music in the liturgy. Guest speakers include: Dr. Larry Feingold…

Compassion Morning of Prayer

Northern Vicariate Offices Waterman Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, United States

Join us in the Norther Vicariate December 7 from 11:30am for Compassion Morning of Prayer By Jane Guenther, Director, Catholic Renewal Center @ Saint Roch Church 6052 Waterman Blvd., 63112 Parking in the back lot or on the street RSVPs are appreciated, but not required. All are welcome.

Rosary for Life

The Respect Life Apostolate of the Archdiocese of St. Louis invites you to join us in peaceful prayer and witness at the Rosary for Life on Saturday, December 7. We expect that this will be the first Saturday that abortions in Missouri will resume at this location, and so the people of God will be…

Compassion Morning of Prayer

St. Roch Waterman Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, United States

As our Advent Journey has begun, join us for a morning of prayer and fellowship with other faithful.  Participants will learn the importance and power of intercessory prayer and how to walk with another in compassionate prayer for them and where they currently are.  You’ll have the opportunity for your own personal reflection and prayer…

National Night of Prayer for Life

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, St. Louis Catholics and those across the country are uniting for the National Night of Prayer for Life for the 35th consecutive year. On Sunday evening, December 8 into the early morning hours of December 9, Archdiocese of St. Louis parishes will be praying for our “nation to…