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Pro-Life Mass & Rosary

May 17 @ 8:30 am10:00 am

Each month since January 2000, the Archdiocese of St. Louis has held a pro-life Mass & Rosary on the third Saturday. The prayer vigil, held either at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis or a host parish, includes Saturday morning Mass and the Holy Rosary prayed either before or after Mass.

The four-fold prayer of each monthly pro-life prayer event is for: upholding the dignity of preborn children; moms, couples, and families facing unexpected pregnancy; those caught up in the abortion industry to embrace the Gospel of Life; and those wounded by abortion to receive healing. If your parish would like to host one of our prayer events in 2025 or 2026, please contact madeleineappelbaum@archstl.org or 314.792.7598.


May 17
8:30 am – 10:00 am
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Immaculate Conception (Park Hills)
1020 W. Main St.
Park Hills, MO 63601 United States
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