What We Do

The St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund manages two distinct deposit funds. The Depositors’ Fund is comprised of demand, money market and time deposits, priced competitively to commercial bank rates in the St. Louis area, and the return of principal is guaranteed.

The Investment Fund is the repository of long-term holdings, such as endowments, annuities and charitable remainder trusts. These funds are invested in the equity and fixed income markets and share in the gains and losses of the Investment Portfolio. 

SLAF provides web-based banking services including automatic transfer of funds between accounts, on-line inquiry, instant statement, and automatic payment on loans and invoices. 

In addition to deposit products, the St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund provides loans to parishes and agencies for construction, expansion and renovation of their facilities, with repayment terms based on the borrower’s ability to service the debt. 

SLAF handles the liquidation of stock donations for all the parishes and agencies of the Archdiocese. Working closely with donors and brokers, the stock is quickly sold, credit is given to the beneficiary parish or agency as of the date of gift, and a tax substantiation notice is provided to the donor.

Contact Us

Have questions? Contact our office for assistance.