Matching Gifts

If you work for an employer with a matching gift program, you may be able to double or even triple the value of your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal! Some companies will also match gifts made by retirees. To find out if your employer has a matching gift program, contact your company’s Human Resources office.

Steps to Obtain a Matching Gift from Your Company

Companies typically have guidelines that must be met before your gift can be matched. Please check with your employer to determine if your company will match gifts to the organizations supported by the Annual Catholic Appeal.

Eligible Organizations

The following organizations may be eligible for matching gifts:

  • Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, also known as the St. Louis Roman Catholic Theological Seminary.
  • St. Louis University-Glennon Education Fund (for college seminarians, deacons, and lay ministers who take classes at St. Louis University under the sponsorship of the Archdiocese of St. Louis).
  • Any one of the following archdiocesan or parochial high schools:
    • Bishop DuBourg High School
    • Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School
    • Duchesne High School
    • St. Dominic High School
    • St. Francis Borgia High School
    • St. Pius X Catholic High School
    • St. Vincent de Paul High School
    • Valle Catholic High School
  • Some companies may also match directly to the Annual Catholic Appeal.

How to Complete the Matching Gift Process

  1. Obtain a matching gift form from your employer or submit a request online.
  2. For paper forms, complete the donor section, enter the name of the school, and SIGN THE FORM. If paying in the future, DO NOT DATE the form.
  3. If making an online request, please email a copy of your company’s confirmation to the ACA Office at
  4. If you prefer to mail a copy of your confirmation, please write your name on it and send to:
    ACA Office
    20 Archbishop May Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63119.
  5. During parish appeal weekends, return the pledge card, matching gift form, and payment or installment instructions to your parish coordinator.

For more information, please contact the Annual Catholic Appeal Office at 314.792.7680.