Donate to the Annual Catholic Appeal

The Annual Catholic Appeal is the main fundraiser for the mission of the Church in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Each year, the Appeal supports ministries, parishes, and schools throughout the archdiocese. These ministries serve countless people with a wide variety of needs throughout the entire region.

Supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal

Supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal allows us to practice, in one united effort, the Corporal Works of Mercy:

  • Feed the Hungry
  • Give Drink to the Thirsty
  • Clothe the Naked
  • Shelter the Homeless
  • Visit the Sick
  • Visit the Imprisoned
  • Bury the Dead

Less obvious, but just as important, the Appeal also provides us the opportunity to practice several of the Spiritual Works of Mercy, including giving counsel, comfort, instruction, forgiveness, and praying for all.

In short, the ACA provides each of us the opportunity to give witness to our Lord’s love and mercy!

Please consider a gift today – your contribution can be made at your parish or at the link below. Your parish will receive credit for your online donations.

None of the money raised by the Annual Catholic Appeal is used to defend or settle criminal or civil lawsuits related to the clergy abuse scandal.