
The Litany of Saint Joseph

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.


Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Illustrious son of David, pray for us.
Light of the patriarchs, pray for us.
Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us.
Chaste guardian of the Virgin, pray for us.
Foster-father of the Son of God, pray for us.
Watchful defender of Christ, pray for us.
Head of the Holy Family, pray for us.
Joseph most just, pray for us.
Joseph most chaste, pray for us.
Joseph most prudent, pray for us.
Joseph most valiant, pray for us.
Joseph most obedient, pray for us.
Joseph most faithful, pray for us.
Mirror of patience, pray for us.
Lover of poverty, pray for us.
Model of workmen, pray for us.
Glory of domestic life, pray for us.
Guardian of virgins, pray for us.
Pillar of families, pray for us.
Solace of the afflicted, pray for us.
Hope of the sick, pray for us.
Patron of the dying, pray for us.
Terror of demons, pray for us.
Protector of Holy Church, pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

V. He made him the lord of His household,
R. And prince over all His possessions.

Let Us Pray.

O God, Who in Thine ineffable providence didst choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most Holy Mother, grant that as we venerate him as our protector on earth, we may deserve to have him as our intercessor in Heaven, Thou Who livest and reignest forever and ever. R. Amen.


Universal Prayers for Year of Saint Joseph
  • For the universal church, placed under the patronage of Saint Joseph, that He will be to her a faithful provider and protector, a giver of strength and direction, let us pray to the Lord.
  • That our work may be modeled on the work of Saint Joseph, done for the Lord alone in the name of Jesus, let us pray to the Lord.
  • That through the intercession of Saint Joseph every house and kingdom and nation may stand firm before the Lord in righteousness of heart, let us pray to the Lord.
  • Stjoe_rulerFor the grace of faith, that in the company of Saint Joseph we may act upon the word of the Lord promptly and with gratitude, let us pray to the Lord.
  • That those who are undergoing a season of suffering and doubt may have the grace to hope against hope, believing in God who can call into being the grace and light they need, let us pray to the Lord.
  • That we may all be granted a happy death through the intercession of Saint Joseph, and that those who already rest with their ancestors may be taken into the abundant life of heaven in His blessed company, let us pray to the Lord.
  • Saint Joseph, full of humility and faith, you have much to teach us; help us to open our hearts and humbly submit ourselves to the will of God, let us pray to the Lord.
  • May we live out faith-filled lives and have the courage of Saint Joseph who may not have understood all that God was doing in and through him, but simply and consistently did as the Lord commanded, let us pray to the Lord.
  • As followers of Jesus we must learn to live by faith, even when we lack understanding; help us turn to Saint Joseph as our model of trusting the Lord’s call, no matter the risk, let us pray to the Lord.
  • Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, and the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care, may he always guard, protect and enlighten our families, let us pray to the Lord.
  • During this Year of Saint Joseph, may we have the courage to walk humbly in the Lord’s ways, caring for all those around us, especially those most vulnerable, let us pray to the Lord.
  • For adoptive parents, may they turn to Saint Joseph as a model of how to raise their children in the faith, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • For all adoptive, foster, and step-parents, may Saint Joseph guide them to be strong models of faith for the children in their care, let us pray to the Lord.

