Spiritual Renewal of the American Parish – Earnest Larsen (1975)

Here are highlights from a small book by Earnest Larsen printed in 1975. Similar issues today as in 1975.

  • Parishes think of renewal as a project; renewal is a life-long process.
  • Renewal is not a matter of “how” but “why” (sound familiar?)
  • Have a vision – do programs support people growing in relationship with Jesus?
  • The purpose of a parish is to let Christ become operative in and through the parishioners.
  • Avoid “do-ism” – stop doing many things that are not centered on Jesus.
  • Look at parish purpose and structure – does the structure support the purpose?
  • Without personal spirituality there is no parish spirituality; dependent on priest leadership.
  • Contact Dave Baranowski if you would like an executive summary of this book since it is out of publication.