My Catholic Giving Guide

  • Catholics have many opportunities to be generous.
  • Each giving request goes to a different ministry, organization or cause.
  • We are called to support all or as many of the giving opportunities as we can.
  • We shouldn’t pick one over the other, but plan the best we can to support as many as we can.
  • The Church recognizes that people have a finite amount of money.
  • Instead of getting angry or frustrated, know that each of these giving opportunities will come every year, so plan accordingly.
  •  How do we respond to “donor fatigue”? Help parishioners plan their giving on an annual basis by using the My Catholic Giving Guide.
  • When we plan our giving on an annual basis, we are giving from our “first fruits” and not from our “leftovers.” We are giving our first and best to God.
  • It is a tool designed to help you determine the amount you can give on an annual basis and then designate money for each area until you reach your pre-determined annual giving amount. (You determine the annual amount.) Use your parish online giving tool to load your giving in for the year.
  • Review the worksheet each year as your income changes or to change your level of giving.
  • Many parishes add the My Catholic Giving Guide as an insert into their weekly bulletin.
  • See an example of the My Catholic Giving Guide on the next two pages.
  • Also, available online at
  • A “customizable” version of the My Catholic Giving Guide is also available on the Stewardship web page.


My Catholic Giving Guide image

My Catholic Giving Guide Worksheet image (1)